What does ONTD mean? Or What is the full form of ONTD?
Many wonder what is the full form of ONTD? The answer is – Oh No They Didn’t ONTD This name or title was born in 2014. This means the Oh No They Didn’t blog was created. The ONTD blog was created by three young men named Eric Lang, Breniecia Reuben, and Bri Draffen. This blog is currently one of the largest online celebrity blogs. available on Live Journal. The blog shares celebrity gossip, news, celebrity photos, posts across the internet web. ONTD HBO – Oh No They Didn’t!
Origin of ONTD
The blog site was created in 2004 by three teenagers named Eric Lang, Brescia Ruben, and Brie Draven. In 2009, ownership of the ONTD blog was passed to moderators. The people who currently run this blog site are Elizabeth Carter and Brendan Delzer.
Example Conversations
A text conversation between two friends.
ONTD – Oh no they didn’t
ONTD Oh no they didn’t, also known as ONTD. The largest community of live journals with over 1 million members. Most of the posts are collected from other gossip blogs. focusing on community celebrity gossip and pop culture.
The ONTD site forms a partnership with the Pop Culture Blog Network Buzz Media. Which he did in July 2010. And that was one year without any kind of renewal.
But even though the ONTD site was contracted by Buzz Media, they were without renewal for more than a year.
The blog boasts 300,000 views per day, according to the 2008 Pop Mater article. although it has declined significantly in recent years.
Most surprisingly, when the live journal post had a limit of 5,000 comments. But later increased the limit from 5,000 to 10,000 comments, ONTD included the first post to reach this new limit.
ONTD Exclusive News
ONTD was the first community to publish the news of J!["<yoastmark]()
amie Lynn Spears’ pregnancy. OK! And was the first to report that Kirk Acevedo. Announced via his Facebook status update that he had been fired from Fox Drama, Fringe.
It was in February 2009 when rumors of John and Kate Gosselin’s disbelief began to surface. Then a picture of John outside the city was posted on ONTD. Where he is seen posing with two young women at a local bar. National gossip magazines cover the news. And a screengrab of ONTD can be seen in the stand and US Weekly.
The most reprehensible and significant events are often nicknamed. so that they can be distinguished in future posts. For example, in January 2006, Britney Spears was admitted to the hospital. Which members of the community called Hostage Brituation ’08. This nickname later uses Rolling Stone. The incident of abuse between singer Rihanna. and Chris Brown was dubbed ’09 Domestic Disturbia ‘by community members. And the community was also credited with launching a meme (“Goki e Douche”). linked to some of the American Idol contestants Danny’s friends. Goki posted negative comments and pictures about fellow contestant Adam Lambert. The forcible removal of “#gokeyisadouche” from Twitter. The trending topic list sparked discussions about Twitter’s censorship.
ONDT Live Journal Downtime
In January 2009, ONTD exceeded 16,777,216 comments. ONTD became the first live journal community in history and from there. This is the first time a live journal has crossed unknown boundaries. This resulted in about a week of downtime for this community. When the live journal worked to solve the problem. A second community, ONTD, was created. And members posted and commented there until the issue was resolved.
Oh No They Didn’t, due to the use explosion after the death of Michael Jackson on June 25, 2009. They are briefly suspended. The amount of traffic that the community received shut down all servers of Live Journal. Which resulted in the downtime of the entire domain. During this time, the members temporarily returned to ONDT.
On January 1, 2012, the Oh No They Didn’t blog was blacked out for about 12 hours. The decision was left to the users in protest of the SOPA. Who voted in favor of a blackout of the site in protest of the SOPA.
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