লাইফ স্টাইল সুন্দরী মেয়ে দেখলে আড়চোখে তাকানো পুরুষের নতুন অসাভাবিক কিছু নয়৷ তার উপরে যদি সেই নারী একটু বেশিই সুন্দরী হন, তাহলে লাজলজ্জা ভুলে তার দিকে হাঁ করে তাকিয়ে থাকতেও দেখা যায় অনেক পুরুষকে৷ সাবধান, সুন্দরীরা আপনার স্বাস্থ্যের জন্য ক্ষতিকর৷

এটা সত্যি, কয়েক জন গবেষক বলছেন, আকর্ষনীয় নারীর সান্নিধ্যে আসলে পুরুষের মধ্যে মানসিক চাপ বাড়তে থাকে৷ এমনকি এই চাপ বাড়ার কারণে হৃদযন্ত্রের ক্রিয়া বন্ধ হয়ে যাওয়ারও আশঙ্কা রয়েছে!
সুন্দরী মেয়েদের নিয়ে এমন মতামত প্রচার করছেন স্পেনের ভ্যালেন্সিয়া বিশ্ববিদ্যালয়ের গবেষকরা৷ গবেষকদের মতে/ কথায়, একজন পুরুষ সুন্দরী নারীর পাশে ৫ মিনিট বসলেই নাকি পুরুষের মধ্যে মানসিক চাপ বৃদ্ধি পায়৷ যা শরীরে কোর্ট্রিসল নামক বিশেষ হরমোনের প্রবাহ বাড়িয়ে দেয়৷ আর বিপত্তি সেখানেই৷ এই হরমোনের বাড়তি প্রবাহ আবার হৃদযন্ত্রের নানা রোগের জন্য দায়ী৷
তবে অসল কথা হলো গবেষকরা আশ্বস্ত করে বলেছেন, পুরুষদের মধ্যে যারা নারীদের কাছ থেকে সবসময় দূরে থাকতে ভালোবাসেন তাদের জন্য সুন্দরীরা একটু বেশি ক্ষতিকর৷
ভ্যালেন্সিয়া বিশ্ববিদ্যালয়ের গবেষকরা, ৮৪ জন স্বেচ্ছাসেবী পুরুষের উপর গবেষণা চালিয়ে প্রকাশ করেছে এই তথ্য৷ এসব স্বেচ্ছাসেবীদের ভিন্ন ভিন্ন সময়ে এককভাবে একটি কক্ষে বসিয়ে সুডোকু পাজল এর সমাধান করতে বলা হয়৷
এই সময় অপরিচিত সুন্দরী এক নারীকে ঢুকিয়ে দেয়া হয় সেই রুমে৷ আর তাতেই নাকি অনেকের শরীরে কোট্রিসল এর প্রবাহ বেড়ে যায়৷ কিন্তু নারীর স্থলে কোন পুরুষ রুমে ঢুকলে স্বেচ্ছাসেবী পুরুষদের মধ্যে কোন পরিবর্তন দেখা যায়নি৷
গবেষকরা জানান, কম বয়সী সুন্দরী নারী আশেপাশে দেখলে অধিকাংশ পুরুষ প্রেমের সুযোগ আছে বলে ভাবতে শুরু করেন৷ খুব কম পুরুষই সুন্দরীদের পাশ কাটিয়ে চলতে পারেন৷
উল্লেখ্য যে, শরীরে স্বল্পমাত্রায় কোট্রিসলের প্রবাহ ক্ষতিকর নয়৷ বরং তা মানুষের কর্মক্ষমতা বাড়াতে সহায়ক৷ কিন্তু বেশীমাত্রায় কোট্রিসলের প্রবাহ হৃদযন্ত্রের ক্ষতি থেকে শুরু করে ডায়াবেটিস এমনকি পুরুষকে নপুংসক পর্যন্ত করে ফেলতে পারে৷ তাই, সম্ভব হলে সুন্দরীদের এড়িয়ে চলাই ভাল!
আরও পড়ুনঃ ত্বক ও চুলের সৌন্দর্যে পদ্ম/শাপলাফুলের উপকারিতা
Originated from the theories of emblematic interactionism,
partnership based training capitalizes on the designs of communication, analysis and modification in between canines as
well as their personal trainers. Property on a good relationship in between them, the procedure lays out
to accomplish outcomes that gain both the pet dog as well as the coach, while all at once improving and also boosting their connection.
A relationship-based strategy to dog training is not automatically reliant
on using particular instruction aids or even addresses but posits that the link in between pet as well as coach is adequately strong to obtain the instruction goals.
Dunbar established Sirius Dog Training, the initial off-leash training system especially for new puppies,
which stresses the usefulness of training bite obstacle, sociality, and also various
other general house etiquettes, to dogs under 6 months old.
Canines do certainly not qualify on their own, when entrusted to choose their habits
they are going to act like pets. It was located that the functionality opportunities for fulfillment of the
task were similar for pets qualified with either operant conditioning or even the version opponent strategy.
The mirror method ideology is that canines naturally discover through taking after others in their social sphere.
In the 1980s animal medical practitioner and animal behaviorist Ian Dunbar found that
despite evidence on the peak discovering periods in creatures, handful of pet
dog instructors teamed up with young puppies prior to they were actually six months outdated.
Dunbar has actually created countless books, and also is known for his worldwide
workshop presentations and prize-winning videos on young puppy and pet habits and also training.
The additional you educate and also monitor your puppy, the much less
option it will definitely must participate in improper behaviors.
Make use of these instruction duties as you include the young puppy in to your
life. For example, ask your new puppy to “rest” just
before acquiring her food, “rest” prior to you let her in or
out the door, and also “sit” just before you pet her.
Our adult amount pet dog instruction lessons can assist your pet construct reside a delighted as well as well-balanced lifestyle.
Petco pet instruction specialists will definitely improve good actions as well
as build upon standard hints.
Remote control instruction is actually a label provided a specific sort of favorable support instruction system, based upon operant conditioning, that makes
use of a clicker gadget as a marker as well
as bridge. Center to the plan is featuring the pet dog with
all elements of the owner’s life and favorable reinforcement of copying habits.
Additional reinforcers are factors the pet being educated enjoys however that
are actually certainly not needed for life, such as
playthings, praise, etc. There are actually an assortment of established techniques of
pets instruction, each along with its followers and doubters.
The usual qualities of prosperous methods are knowing
the animal’s features as well as individual, correct time of
reinforcement or even consequence as well as consistent communication.
Based on the guidelines of social understanding, model-rival instruction makes use of a version, or an opponent
for attention, to illustrate the intended behavior.
Pups start learning from start and also excellent breeders begin taking care of and socializing promptly.
These are actually times when your new puppy desires one thing and also is more probable to conform.
In this way, you are actually teaching your pet regularly, throughout the time and also creating expected guidelines and regimens for interactions and helping the canine to learn that manages the
resources. The amount of time you invest qualifying your young puppy right now will repay when you possess a
grown-up pet., Dog Training? It’s easy When you Do It Good, Originated from the theories of emblematic interactionism, partnership based
training capitalizes on the designs of communication, analysis
and modification in between canines as well as their personal trainers.
Stemmed from the theories of emblematic interactionism,
connection based training exploits the designs of communication, analysis and also change between dogs and also
their trainers. Property on a good connection in between all of them, the strategy lays out to obtain outcomes that profit both the pet dog
and also the trainer, while all at once enhancing as well as enhancing their relationship.
A relationship-based technique to canine training is not essentially
reliant on using certain training aids or handles but posits that the relationship between canine as
well as fitness instructor is sufficiently powerful to attain the instruction targets.
Dunbar started Sirius Dog Training, the 1st off-leash instruction system especially for
puppy dogs, which focuses on the relevance of teaching bite hangup, sociality, as well as other general household manners, to pet dogs under 6 months old.
Pets carry out certainly not train on their own,
when left to select their behavior they will certainly imitate
pets. It was actually discovered that the
performance opportunities for completion of the task were actually similar
for pets trained with either operant conditioning or the design competitor strategy.
The mirror strategy viewpoint is that canines intuitively discover through following the example of others in their social realm.
In the 1980s veterinarian and creature behaviorist Ian Dunbar uncovered that in spite of evidence on the peak discovering
periods in pets, couple of canine instructors collaborated with pups prior to they were actually six months old.
Dunbar has actually created countless manuals, and also is understood
for his international seminar discussions and award-winning online videos on puppy as well as pet dog actions as well as instruction. The additional you instruct and
also manage your young puppy, the much less possibility it will certainly need to engage
in poor behaviors.
Make use of these instruction jobs as you incorporate the new puppy right into your life.
For instance, inquire your young puppy to “rest” just before obtaining her meals, “sit”
prior to you allow her in or out the door, and “rest” before you dog her.
Our grown-up degree pet training courses may assist your pet dog create
live a happy and healthy lifestyle. Petco pet training experts will definitely bolster beneficial
actions and build upon general cues.
Clicker instruction is a label provided to a particular kind of good encouragement instruction system, based on operant conditioning, that utilizes a remote control gadget
as a marker and link. Center to the program is actually including the pet dog in all aspects
of the owner’s lifespan as well as beneficial reinforcement of copying behaviors.
Additional reinforcers are traits the creature being qualified delights in yet that are actually
certainly not needed permanently, such as playthings,
appreciation, etc. There are a range of well-known techniques of animals instruction, each with its own followers and
doubters. The usual attributes of effective strategies
are recognizing the pet’s qualities and also personality, precise timing of
reinforcement or discipline as well as steady interaction.
Based upon the guidelines of social understanding, model-rival training uses a design, or even an opponent for focus,
to display the preferred habits. Puppy dogs begin profiting from birth and great breeders begin dealing with and socialization today.
These are opportunities when your puppy dog wants something and is actually very likely to conform.
Thus, you are actually educating your pet regularly, throughout the day as well as likewise setting up foreseeable guidelines as well as routines for interactions and also helping the pet
to know that handles the sources. The time you devote qualifying
your puppy dog today is going to pay off when you have an adult pet dog., A Deadly Mistake Uncovered on Dog Training And How to Avoid It, Stemmed from the theories
of emblematic interactionism, connection based training exploits the designs of communication, analysis and also change between dogs and also their trainers.